Flutura & Besnik Haxhillari (The Two Gullivers)
Flutura & Besnik Haxhillari (The Two Gullivers)

sans titre (de la série / from the series Star's Anatomy)
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper

sans titre (de la série / from the series Star's Anatomy)
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper

sans titre (de la série / from the series Star's Anatomy)
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper

sans titre (de la série / from the series Star's Anatomy)
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper

sans titre (de la série / from the series Star's Anatomy)
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper

sans titre (de la série / from the series Star's Anatomy)
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper

sans titre (de la série / from the series Star's Anatomy)
2011-en cours
2011-en cours

sans titre (de la série / from the series Star's Anatomy)
2011-en cours
2011-en cours

sans titre (de la série / from the series Star's Anatomy)
2011-en cours
2011-en cours

sans titre (de la série / from the series Star's Anatomy)
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper
2011-en cours
watercolour and ink on paper

Nul jour sans une ligne
Cover page of notebooks of preparatory drawings for performances
Cover page of notebooks of preparatory drawings for performances
Exhibitions at the gallery
April 28 – 29, 2015
November 5 – 15, 2014
Extra muros exhibitions
March 6 – 16, 2013