Biography - Stephen Schofield

Stephen Schofield was born in Toronto, Ontario in 1952, and currently works in Montreal.
Since 1970 his sculptures, drawings and performances have been presented nationally and internationally. His exhibition record most notably includes: the Toronto Sculpture Garden (2002), the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal (2003) and the Biennale de Montréal (1998) in Canada; the Sculpture Centre (1990), Hallwalls (1991) and several exhibitions at the Horodner Romley Gallery in the United States. A major two-part exhibition of his sculptural work from 1991-1994 was held at the Power Plant in Toronto and the Southern Alberta Art Gallery in Lethbridge in 1994. In 1996, the exhibition Si je peux le dire ainsi travelled throughout France.
Stephen Schofield’s work figures in private, public or corporative collections in Canada, in France and in the United States. Some of his pieces have been purchased by the National Gallery of Canada, the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal and the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec. An important exhibition was dedicated to the artist’s sculpture at the CUE Foundation including an artist book.
Stephen Schofield was recipient of the City of Montreal / AGAC Louis-Comtois 2004 prize. In 2008, he represented at the Canada Council Studio in New York at the ISCP (International Studio and Curatorial Program).