Biography - Brent Meistre
Brent Meistre is a South African photographer and film maker. Throughout his varying bodies of work is the central notion of journeying, movement and migration within the historical context of Africa and how these traces and remnants continue to constitute and speak to the lived experience of people on the continent.
He has been a finalist in the Daimler Chrysler Award for Contemporary Photography in South Africa and received the first Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Museum’s Biennale Award. His work has been featured on the Bamako Photo Biennale in Mali, The International Black Film Festival in Canada and the Kunstvlaai: Festival of Independents. His work has also been shown on Making Way: Contemporary Art from China and South Africa and his SOJOURN project was featured on the Head-On Photography Festival in Australia and the Pingyao Photo Festival in China. In 2013 his extensive SOJOURN project was exhibited on street poles across Cape Town as a part of the Terminal GIPCA LAND project. His currently project Analogue Eye: Video Art Africa is a mobile drive-in & pop-up cinema that showcases the works made by 47 African video artists. This was featured on the main program of the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown and Infecting the City (The Africa Centre) in Cape Town, South Africa. Analogue Eye will also be featured on the Wiener Festwochen in May/June 2015 in Vienna, Austria.