Céline Berger
Rare birds in these lands
Art Souterrain, with the theme of "must art be appealing?” presents the video Rare birds in these lands (2013) by Céline Berger, at Joyce Yahouda Gallery. This video was proposed through a collaboration between Division of Labour Gallery in London and Joyce Yahouda Gallery.
The video Rare birds in these lands (2013) was shot on location, before and after a workshop in which four artists and four managers were invited to participate, analyzing the risks that an artist's intervention in a company could represent for both parties. In this video work, the narrated voice over is a direct transcription of statements gathered at this occasion.
The Dutch art scene and the business world currently show a growing interest for collaborations between artists and businesses. Artists look for direct involvement in the 'outside world' and investigate new financing models, while managers and businesses are becoming increasingly curious about creative processes and artistic concepts as possible economic resources.
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