Faire de sa vie une oeuvre d'art

Faire de sa vie une oeuvre d'art

An exhibition presented in Lyon in collaboration with Françoise Besson Gallery
Curator: Nicolas Mavrikakis
January 10 – February 14, 2015

Faire de sa vie une oeuvre d'art
Exhibition view
Françoise Besson gallery, Lyon, France

Faire de sa vie une oeuvre d'art
Exhibition view
Françoise Besson gallery, Lyon, France

Faire de sa vie une oeuvre d'art
Exhibition view
Françoise Besson gallery, Lyon, France

Faire de sa vie une oeuvre d'art
Exhibition view
Françoise Besson gallery, Lyon, France

Faire de sa vie une oeuvre d'art
Exhibition view
Françoise Besson gallery, Lyon, France

« The six artists presented here embody, each in their own way, the ideal of dandyism. Some of them stage modern or contemporary artists (from various milieus including rock music, opera, or the visual arts) who were able to invent themselves through their art. Others show us a visual world of dreamlike drawings or paintings, which unite the subtle with the morbid. Several of these works denote a biting, caustic sense of humor, which put into question the prevailing tastes and indicate a certain fatigue with the contemporary world. »

Excerpt from the curator's text, Nicolas Mavrikakis

Press release


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